There was this pokey peak mountain. Around the mountain it is always grey and black. And if you're far away you can see there's always a big lightning storm on the top of the mountain...and a dragon lives in it.
All the plants and leaves are black and grey because of the dragon's fire. The dragon wants his mountain to look spooky and dark. Daddy and I were riding a big deer. It went up to the mountain and it threw us off of its back and we landed right on top of the treasures and the dragon woke up.
The dragon said, "Who's there? Is anybody trying to sneak up on me?"
We quickly hid, but we had our creature power suits. So we turned into a hermit crab with our creature power suits. We found a treasure chest. We dumped the treasure out and we put it on us as a shell. And we made the treasure box close so then it looked normal. And the dragon went back to sleep. And then we went out and deactivated our suits. Then we went closer and we turned our creature power suits into a bug called a twing-twan and it always comes when a dragon's sleeping to clean the dragon's teeth. So we climbed up into the dragon's mouth and we went deep into his belly instead of cleaning his teeth. We saw down there really precious stuff! We found--well of course--dead fish, but the treasures we found in there were a diamond ring and an amethyst ring and a couple of gold coins. But we found one of the most special and powerful things in the entire universe--even more powerful than the black holes.
It was an emerald ring!! It made you so powerful when you wore it. You could stop a tornado. You just put your hand out and it stops! If there's a flash flood, put your hand out, the flash flood will go away! And the dragon hid it in there, but we kept it. We put the ring on us and we also found a ring just like it. They both had the same amount of power. And my dad got one and I got one.
We used our rings to destroy the dragon! But the rings power will never end, so we can use it forever. And good our deer didn't get eaten.
Then we went out to the ocean to see if everything is doing good there. We went down to a coral reef. On corals there are these little starfish creatures. Inside their arms there were teeny arrows, and when there is this certain type of shrimp, they launch and it goes right inside the shrimp and they shove them into their mouth. And then we went on. We found a shark egg. We took it and put it in this huge gigantical container. So then we saw it hatch. We went out in our scuba diving equipment. We saw an angler fish and it was chasing this kind of creature and inside it was blue goo. It squirted it on the angler fish and the angler fish went away. And we went deep, deep down but we went a lot south. And then we came into the sea of the South Pole. We saw giant squid. One tried to gobble up me! And we saw penguins in the water. And then we went up out of the water and we went to Africa. I saw cheetahs. They run seventy miles per hour. I saw herds of gazelles. And we saw vultures. And then we went back into the ocean and saw dolphins. One tried to talk to me. He went aaaack aaa-aaa.
Then we went to Alaska and we saw peraguin falcons. They have a lot of speed and are almost as fast as a cheetah. They go high in the air and then they make a u-turn and swoop right down and go forward. And that's how they do it sometimes to catch prey. We went to a lot of places on Earth.
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