Once upon a time the Executor sent a storm trooper ship and the Executor also sent out tie fighters. One tie fighter had 10 guns, then Kilo Ren's ship showed up.
Kilo Ren said, "There are b-wings approaching the ship."
On Tatooine there was a war. There were tie fighters and pilots and storm troopers. That was the bad sides team.
The good side team had x-wings, pilots, BB-8 and Finn. The war was around an alien's temple. Then Yoda the Jedi Master showed up. He acted like he wasn't Yoda to Luke Skywalker. Do you know what he did?
Luke Skywalker talked Yoda (who was acting like a different person). Luke Skywalker asked Yoda, "Does Yoda live close to here?"
Yoda (who was acting like a different person) said, being funny, "Yoda lives very close to here." And Luke Skywalker was actually in Yoda's house. The Imperial star destroyer got destroyed by b-wings. Zeeeeowm, the tie fighter with ten guns shoots by the Executor. The Executor puts that tie fighter into the Exector's ship. The Millennium Falcon shoots at the Executor but the Executor shoots back. The Executor wins. Tie fighters were chasing the Millennium Falcon around the Imperial star destroyer. Then the Millennium Falcon and the tie fighters go through an asteroid field. The Millennium Falcon lands in one of the holes on the asteroid.
"That's no hole! That's a giant asteroid worm!"
Nathan's favorite vehicle in the story was the ten gunned tie fighter. And also the Executor
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