Friday, November 14, 2014

Blue's Clues

So once upon a time we were camping and my mousy friend was moving in the bushes and we were scared so we ran away. But I tell you stop it, its just my mousy friend and then daddy and Nathan ran back. And he was out with me. And we heard a wwhu wwhu. and it was a black beaaaaaar!!!  Ahhhhh!

And we heard a shurm shurm aaaac. And we saw a big two snow man. And one had a trumpet nose and he played his carrot trumpet nose. And there was a big snow monster and he was rigfht on the snow monsters foot! And he screamed loud and the snow monster looked down and him and the snow monster  ate  the nice snowman! Then we made a new one and he was not there because someone fought him and broke him and he fell into a deep castle behind and in front of him was some stairs and he broke.

The end!

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